Area Chart

An area chart shows data as an area under a line intersecting dots. It can display either multiple measures as different areas or a single measure split by one attribute into multiple areas with points intersecting attribute values.

Areas stack by default. Alternatively, the areas can overlap if { stackMeasures: false } is set in the chart config.

The stacking property, which was supported in area charts in Version 6.2 and older versions, is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use the stackMeasures property instead.

Area Chart


import "@gooddata/sdk-ui-charts/styles/css/main.css";
import { AreaChart } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-charts";



import "@gooddata/sdk-ui-charts/styles/css/main.css";
import { AreaChart } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-charts";
import * as Md from "./md/full";

const style = { height: 300 };

<div style={style}>


measurestrueIMeasure[]An array of measure definitions. If viewBy has two attributes, only the first measure is used.
viewByfalseIAttribute or Attribute[]The attribute definition or an array of two attribute definitions. If set to a two-attribute array, the second attribute slices the measure horizontally, and the areas are always overlapped regardless of what stackBy is set to.
stackByfalseIAttributeThe attribute definition. stackBy is ignored if viewBy has two attributes. Do not use stackBy in charts with multiple measures.
filtersfalseIFilter[]An array of filter definitions
sortByfalseISortItem[]An array of sort definitions
configfalseIChartConfigThe chart configuration object
backendfalseIAnalyticalBackendThe object with the configuration related to communication with the backend and access to analytical workspaces
workspacefalsestringThe workspace ID
localefalsestringThe localization of the chart. Defaults to en-US.
drillableItemsfalseIDrillableItem[]An array of points and attribute values to be drillable
ErrorComponentfalseComponentA component to be rendered if this component is in error state.
LoadingComponentfalseComponentA component to be rendered if this component is in loading state.
onErrorfalseFunctionA callback when the component updates its error state
onExportReadyfalseFunctionA callback when the component is ready for exporting its data
onLoadingChangedfalseFunctionA callback when the component updates its loading state
onDrillfalseFunctionA callback when a drill is triggered on the component

The following example shows the supported config structure with sample values.

    colors: ["rgb(195, 49, 73)", "rgb(168, 194, 86)"],
    colorPalette: [{
        guid: "01",
        fill: {
            r: 195,
            g: 49,
            b: 73
    }, {
        guid: "02",
        fill: {
            r: 168,
            g: 194,
            b: 86
    colorMapping: [{
        predicate: (headerItem) => {
            return headerItem.measureHeaderItem && (headerItem.measureHeaderItem.localIdentifier === "m1_localIdentifier")
        color: {
            type: "guid",
            value: "02"
    xaxis: {
        visible: true,
        labelsEnabled: true,
        rotation: "auto"
    yaxis: {
        visible: true,
        labelsEnabled: true,
        rotation: "auto",
        min: "20",
        max: "30"
    legend: {
        enabled: true,
        position: "top",
    dataLabels: {
        visible: "auto"
    grid: {
        enabled: true
    separators: {
        thousand: ",",
        decimal: "."