Date Filter

Known issues:

  • availableGranularities in relativeForm has been removed. Use the availableGranularities from the Date Filter component instead.

The Date Filter component is a dropdown component that lists date filter options. You can pass allowed options and a callback function, which receives a list of the selected values when a user clicks Apply.

DateFilter Component

In the Date Filter component, you can optionally define the following:

  • The attribute values that should be selected in the filter by default

  • The format in which dates should be displayed

    To define the date format, use any value supported by the date-fns library.

    DateFilter Component with International Date Format

  • Support for time filtering.

    Only available for GoodData Cloud and GoodData.CN.

DateFilter Component


In the following example, attribute values are listed and the onApply callback function is triggered when a user clicks Apply to confirm the selection.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { DateFilter, defaultDateFilterOptions } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-filters";
import { myDateFilterOptions } from "myDateFilterConfiguration";

import "@gooddata/sdk-ui-filters/styles/css/main.css";

const availableGranularities = [

// You can either provide your custom date filter options
const dateFilterOptions = myDateFilterOptions();
// or use the default we provide
const dateFilterOptions = defaultDateFilterOptions;

export class DateFilterComponentExample extends Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
            selectedFilterOption: dateFilterOptions.allTime,
            excludeCurrentPeriod: false,

    onApply = (dateFilterOption, excludeCurrentPeriod) => {
            selectedFilterOption: dateFilterOption,
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
            "DateFilterExample onApply",

    render() {
        return (
            <div style={{ width: 300 }}>
                    customFilterName="Date filter name"


excludeCurrentPeriodtruebooleanThe state of the “Exclude current period” checkbox
selectedFilterOptiontrueDateFilterOptionThe selected filter option
filterOptionstrueDateFilterOptionsAvailable filter options
availableGranularitiestrueDateFilterGranularity[]An array of available types of granularity for the Relative Form
customFilterNamefalsestringA custom filter label
dateFilterModetruestringFilter mode; can be readonly, hidden, or active
dateFormatfalsestringDate format. Defaults to MM/dd/yyyy. For the supported values, see the date-fns library.
customIconfalseIFilterButtonCustomIconA custom icon with associated tooltip information.
FilterConfigurationComponentfalseComponentA component to be rendered when the configuration button is clicked.
backendfalseIAnalyticalBackendThe object with the configuration related to communication with the backend and access to analytical workspaces
workspacefalsestringThe workspace ID
isTimeForAbsoluteRangeEnabledfalsebooleanDetermine whether the static period form allows the user to set also the time of the date range or only the date.
localefalsestringThe localization of the component. Defaults to en-US.
onApplytrueFunctionA callback when the selection is confirmed by the user
onCancelfalseFunctionA callback when the selection is canceled by the user
onOpenfalseFunctionA callback when the filter dropdown is opened by the user
onClosefalseFunctionA callback when the filter dropdown is closed by the user

How to Modify Date Filters in Dashboards

You can adjust the date filters in your dashboard to show specific time granularities (e.g., only days, months, or years) using the dateFilterConfig metadata object. Here’s a simple guide:

Setting Up dateFilterConfig

You can configure dateFilterConfig at two levels:

  • Organization Setting: /api/v1/entities/organizationSettings
  • Workspace Setting: /api/v1/entities/workspaces/{workspaceId}/workspaceSettings

Example Payload for dateFilterConfig

To create this metadata object, send a POST request with the following payload. Update the type to workspaceSetting if needed:

    "data": {
        "id": "dateFilterConfig",
        "type": "organizationSetting",
        "attributes": {
            "content": {},
            "type": "DATE_FILTER_CONFIG"

Editing Granularities in Relative Period

The relative period defines which granularities (e.g., days, weeks, months) are available in the date filter. Supported granularities include:

  • GDC.time.week_us
  • GDC.time.month
  • GDC.time.year
  • GDC.time.quarter
  • GDC.time.hour
  • GDC.time.minute

Example Configuration

    "config": {
        "absoluteForm": {
            "localIdentifier": "absoluteForm",
            "name": "",
            "visible": true
        "allTime": {
            "localIdentifier": "allTime",
            "name": "All time",
            "visible": true
        "relativeForm": {
            "granularities": [
            "localIdentifier": "relativeForm",
            "name": "",
            "visible": true
        "relativePresets": [
                "from": -6,
                "to": 0,
                "granularity": "",
                "localIdentifier": "relative_last_7_days",
                "name": "Last 7 days",
                "visible": true
                "from": -29,
                "to": 0,
                "granularity": "",
                "localIdentifier": "relative_last_30_days",
                "name": "Last 30 days",
                "visible": true
            // Add more presets as needed
        "selectedOption": "relative_this_month"

Adding Predefined Periods

You can customize the relativePresets section to define periods like “Last 10 days” or “Last month.” Each preset includes:

  • Granularity: Defines the time unit (e.g., day, week, month).
  • From/To: Relative to today (0 represents today).Examples:
    • Last 3 days: from: -2, to: 0
    • This year: from: 0, to: 0
  • Local Identifier: A unique name for the filter.
  • Name: The display name on the dashboard.
  • Visible: Controls if the filter is shown.

Example: Last 10 Days Filter

    "from": -9,
    "to": 0,
    "granularity": "",
    "localIdentifier": "last_10_days",
    "name": "Last 10 days",
    "visible": true

Removing Granularities

To remove granularities, delete the corresponding items in the relativeForm section. For example, to include only months and years:

"relativeForm": {
  "granularities": [
  "localIdentifier": "relativeForm",
  "name": "relativeForm",
  "visible": true

Deleting dateFilterConfig

To delete the configuration, send a DELETE request to the following endpoints:

  • Organization: /api/v1/entities/organizationSettings/dateFilterConfig
  • Workspace: /api/v1/entities/workspaces/{workspaceId}/workspaceSettings/dateFilterConfig