Apply Theming

When applying theming with GD.UI, you will need to use the Theme Provider component, which allows you to customize the visual style of your dashboards by applying a theme (see Create Custom Themes).

To be able to use the Theme Provider component, set up the backend and workspace properties in your application (see Connecting to a GoodData Cloud or GoodData.CN Analytical Backend).

NOTE: Always use the Theme Provider component in the root of your application. A theme is applied globally to everything on a page. When you wrap one visual component with a ThemeProvider element, everything else will also be themed despite not being wrapped with the ThemeProvider element.

Using the Theme Provider component with backend and workspace providers

When using the Theme Provider component with backend and workspace providers, you do not need to specify any additional props for your Theme Provider.

import { BackendProvider, WorkspaceProvider } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-theme-provider";

<BackendProvider backend={backend}>
    <WorkspaceProvider workspace="your-workspace-id">
            <Application {...}>

Using the Theme Provider component without backend and workspace providers

When using the Theme Provider component without backend and workspace providers, you have to pass the backend and workspace props to your Theme Provider.

import { ThemeProvider } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-theme-provider";

<ThemeProvider backend={backend} workspace="your-workspace-id">
    <Application {...}>

Using the Theme Provider component with a custom theme

You can create properties of a custom theme and pass the theme to the ThemeProvider element that you added to your application (for all available properties, see the declaration of ITheme).


import { ThemeProvider } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-theme-provider";

<ThemeProvider theme={customTheme}>
    <Application {...}/>


import { ITheme } from "@gooddata/sdk-model";

export const customTheme: ITheme = {
  button: {
    borderRadius: "15",
    dropShadow: true,
    textCapitalization: true,
  modal: {
    borderColor: "#1b4096",
    borderRadius: "5",
    borderWidth: "2",
    dropShadow: false,
    outsideBackgroundColor: "#e8cda2",
    title: {
      color: "#1b4096",
      lineColor: "#000",
  palette: {
    error: {
      base: "#ff2e5f",
    primary: {
      base: "#eba12a",
    success: {
      base: "#13ed4d",
    warning: {
      base: "#ddff19",
  tooltip: {
    backgroundColor: "#101050",
    color: "#fff",
  typography: {


import { ThemeProvider } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-theme-provider";

        value="Hover over this link..."
      <Bubble className="bubble-primary">
        This is bubble content.
        <br />
        <Button value="Click here!" className="gd-button-positive" />