
Repeaters allow users to create customizable tables by specifying an attribute to generate rows and selecting various metrics, facts, or attributes for columns. Each cell in a repeater can display data as numbers, bar charts, or line charts, and includes support for rich text content such as images and links.

Screenshot of a repeater visualization

Line and Bar Charts

In addition to numerical data presentation, repeaters can visually represent data using line or bar charts.

Two screenshots showing the same part of the repeater, one showing data as numbers, the other one as line charts.


  1. To set up, drag the desired attribute into the Rows bucket, a fact or metric into the Columns bucket, and an attribute or date object into the View by bucket for chart visuals.

    Screenshot of the Analytics Designer showing the Rows, Columns and View by buckets for a repeater visualizaiton.
  2. For the selected metric or fact in the Columns bucket, use the Display as toggle to switch between numerical, line chart, and bar chart views.

    Screenshot of the Analytics Designer showing the option to display Column data as either a number, line chart or bar chart.

Repeaters can also integrate hyperlinks as clickable elements within the table, allowing for custom link text.

Two screenshots showing the same part of the repeater, one showing data as a series of string URLs, the other one showing them as clickable hyperlinks with custom link text.


  1. In the logical data model, assign an attribute label with the type Hyperlink to the attribute containing URL data.

    Screenshot of dataset details tab showing an attribute with a hyperlink-type label
  2. Within the Display as settings, choose the hyperlink label.

    Screenshot of repeater visualization column bucket

    The URLs are now converted to hyperlinks.

    Screenshot of repeater visualization column bucket
  3. Optionally, custom text can be assigned to these hyperlinks for clarity or aesthetic purposes.

    Screenshot of repeater visualization column bucket


Repeaters can images directly from URLs specified within the data.

Two screenshots showing the same part of the repeater, one showing data as string URLs, the other one showing the images being displayed directly.


  1. Ensure the attribute that holds the image URLs is labeled as Image in the logical data model.

    Screenshot of dataset details tab showing an attribute with an image-type label
  2. Select this image label in the Display as setting.

    Screenshot of repeater visualization column bucket

    The images are now displayed.

    Screenshot of repeater visualization column bucket


Enhance the clarity and usability of your repeaters with further customization options.

Two screenshots of a repeater visualization. The first screenshot shows the repeater with default configuration. The second screenshot shows the repeater with wider rows, center-aligned text and different color charts.

Available settings:

  • Modify Colors in charts for visual impact.
  • Adjust Row height to fit content or improve readability.
  • Set Vertical alignment for text and images to match layout preferences.
  • Choose between Text wrapping options: wrap (extend cell size to fit text) or clip (cut off overflowing text).
  • Adjust Image display modes: fit (resize to fit within the cell) or fill (expand to cover the cell width).
Screenshot showing the configuration options for a repeater.