Configure Dashboard Layout and Visualizations
Widgets are the collective term for visualizations and rich text that you add to your dashboards. Configuring these widgets allows you to customize the layout and presentation of data to better meet your needs.
Configure Visualization
You can make additional changes to how individual visualizaitons on a dashboard look and behave. Any change to the visualization’s configuration applies only to that particular instance of the visualization.
Edit a dashboard.
Click the … button on a visualization and select Configuration:
The configuration menu opens:
In the visualization configuration, you can:
Hide Title
You can Hide the title of the visualization.
You can change the visualization Description.
The description is displayed when you click on the question mark next to the visualization name.
- By default, the description is inherited from the visualization’s description in the Analytical Designer.
- You can also add a custom text or disable the description from displaying.
- You can use markdown to customize format text and add hyperlinks and images to the description. For guide on how to use markdown, see Formatting Options for Rich Text.
Disable Filters
You can disable dashboard date and attribute filters.
Enable Zoom on Visualization
Line charts, scatter plots, stacked area charts and bubble charts support zoom functionality:
Zoom by left clicking and dragging the cursor over the region you would like to zoom in on. Hold shift, left click and drag the mouse to move around. Reset zoom by clicking the rounded arrow button in the top left corner of the visualization.
To enable zoom on a new visualization, follow these steps.
Edit a dashboard.
Click the … button on a visualization and select Interactions.
Toggle the Zoomable visualization:
Rename Visualization
By default, visualizations that you add to your dashboards use the title as defined in the Analytical Designer. To rename a particular instance of a visualization on the dashboard, simply edit the dashboard and click on the visualization’s title.
Configure Dashboard Layout
Dashboard layouts are responsive to prevent the dashboard from being difficult to read on small screens. Dashboards use a predefined set of breakpoints that adjust the layout on display accordingly.
For example, if the screen size reaches a breakpoint, the widget (visualization or rich text) from one section may adjust in size and rearrange into two rows.
Dashboard layouts use a 12-column grid. By default, each widget has assigned a specific number of columns. The default height for all widgets is 342px.
Create New Section
To add a visualization to a new section, drag the visualization into the area inbetween sections. As you drag the visualization, the dashboard displays the target place.
Expand Section
To add a widget to an existing section, drag the widget into the area within a section. As you drag the widget, the dashboard displays the target place.
Rename Section
To add a title and/or description to a section of the dashboard, click Add Title here and Add Description here at the top of a section.
The maximum length of the title is 256 characters; the maximum length of the description is 1024 characters.
To hide the title or the description in the View mode, leave it empty when editing the dashboard or click the three dots in the top right corner of the widget and use the Hide title checkbox in the Configuration section.
Rearrange Widgets
To rearrange widgets on a dashboard, drag and drop them to a new place. As you drag the widget, the dashboard displays the target place.
Resize Widgets
All widgets have a minimal width for better visibility and readability.
You can adjust the size of the widgets on a dashboard to suit your needs. To change the width, drag the right end of the widget to adjust the width (the number of columns it occupies).
Resizing Pivot Tables
If you add a pivot table to your dashboard, you can adjust the width of the table’s columns directly on the dashboard. When you save the dashboard, the column widths are preserved.
Dashboards do not change the widget itself, only one particular instance. If your dashboard includes multiple instances of the same widget or if you have the widget on multiple dashboards, you must adjust the width in each instance.
Small tables are automatically resized to fit the whole width of the widget.