Create an Oracle Database Data Source

Follow these steps to connect to Oracle Database and create a Oracle Database data source:

  1. Configure User Access Rights

  2. Create a Oracle Database Data Source

Refer to Additional Information for additional performance tips and information about Oracle Database feature support.

Configure User Access Rights

We recommend that you create a dedicated user and user role for integration with the GoodData platform.


  1. Create a user role and grant access rights:

    CREATE ROLE {role_name};
    GRANT SELECT ON {schema_name}.{table_name} TO {role_name};
    GRANT SELECT ON v$session TO {role_name};
  2. Create a user and grant it the user role:

    CREATE USER {user_name} IDENTIFIED BY {password};
    GRANT {role_name} TO {user_name};
  3. Make the user role default for the user:

    ALTER USER {user_name} DEFAULT ROLE {role_name};

Create a Oracle Database Data Source

Once you have configured your Oracle Database user’s access rights, you can proceed to create a Oracle Database data source that you can then connect to.



  1. On the home page switch to Data sources.

    data sources tab
  2. Click Connect data.

    connect data
  3. Select Oracle.

    select data source type
  4. Name your data source and fill in your Oracle Database credentials and click Connect:

    db cretentials
  5. Click Save.

    Your data source is created!

    db creation complete


  1. Create a Oracle Database data source with the following API call:

    curl $HOST_URL/api/v1/entities/dataSources \
    -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.gooddata.api+json" \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.gooddata.api+json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
    -X POST \
    -d '{
        "data": {
        "type": "dataSource",
        "id": "<unique_id_for_the_data_source>",
        "attributes": {
        "name": "<data_source_display_name>",
        "url": "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<ORACLE_HOST>:1521/<ORACLE_DBNAME>",
        "schema": "<ORACLE_DBNAME>",
        "type": "ORACLE",
        "username": "<ORACLE_USER>",
        "password": "<ORACLE_PASSWORD>"
    }}}' | jq .
  2. To confirm that the data source has been created, ensure the server returns the following response:

      "data": {
        "type": "dataSource",
        "id": "<unique_id_for_the_data_source>",
        "attributes": {
          "name": "<data_source_display_name>",
          "url": "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<ORACLE_HOST>:1521/<ORACLE_DBNAME>",
          "schema": "<ORACLE_DBNAME>",
          "type": "ORACLE",
          "username": "<ORACLE_USER>"
      "links": {
        "self": "$HOST_URL/api/v1/entities/dataSources/<unique_id_for_the_data_source>"

Additional Information

Ensure you understand the following limitations and recommended practice.

Data Source Details

  • Typical JDBC URL may look like this:


  • Basic authentication is supported. Specify user and password.

Unsupported Features and Limitations

GoodData does not currently support the following features:

  • Adding years to weeks may fail in some cases
  • Date arithmetic only supports up to ±99 units (for example +99 days will work, +100 days will not work)
  • SSL is not yet supported