Create an API Access Token

To use the GoodData API, you can generate a personal access token and use it to access the GoodData resources on behalf of the issuing user.

You can create API tokens for yourself, or a user with a permission to manage your organisation can create it for you.

Generate Personal Access Tokens

To generate a token, use one of the following methods that are described below.

User interface
API (Bash)
  1. On homepage, go to Settings.

  2. In the Developer section, next to Personal access tokens, click Manage.

Manage PAT
The list of personal access tokens opens.
  1. Click + Create.

  2. Type a name for the token and click Create.

  1. Copy the token and close the window.

To remove any token, open the list of tokens and click the bin icon on the right.

You can submit a POST request to /api/v1/entities/users/{:userId}/apiTokens.

In the Authorization header of the request, provide the value of a different token (another user’s API token or the $BOOTSTRAP_API_TOKEN.

curl --request POST -H 'Content-type: application/vnd.gooddata.api+json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <other-token>' \
    -d '{"data":{"id":"mynewtoken","type":"apiToken"}}' \
    $HOST_URL/api/v1/entities/users/john.doe/apiTokens | \
  jq data.attributes.bearerToken

Use the Generated API Token in HTTP Requests

To authenticate using the API token, add the Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN header to your HTTP request.